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onre Seltsimees

Liitunud: Jul 05, 2013 Teateid: 10 Asukoht: Akaa, Soome
Postitatud: N juuli 11, 2013 11:58 am Postita teema: 24 exhaust |
I need basically whole new exhaust for Volga 24. Do you know if these are available new anymore?
I notice in an incomplete set with one muffler and two long pipes:
I have the rearmost part (at least I think it is) of the pipe new myself, this one:
Is there only one muffler in the pipe - if I get the pieces, do I have full exhaust pipe from collector to rear bumper? Currently I'm far away from car and can't check myself...
p.s. I understand Estonian but don't write very well. |
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Sm.Tihhonov Seltsimees

Liitunud: Nov 08, 2004 Teateid: 2784 Asukoht: Telliskivi, Viimsi
Postitatud: N juuli 11, 2013 2:12 pm Postita teema: |
Yes Gaz 24 had only one muffler. All together the exhaust consists of 4 pieces. If you add your existing rearmost part to the 3 items on the soviet-car-parts offer, you get a complete set for Gaz 24.
Do not want to make it more complicated, but there are actually 2 different lenghts for the 2nd pipe and 3 different shapes for the muffler. The 2nd pipe is different on Gaz 24 and 2410. The muffler is different on 24, 2410 and 31029. And also the rearmost pipe is different on Gaz 24 and 31029 The all look very similar though. But on the Sovietcarparts offer I see an old type (soviet age) muffler, so most likely this set belongs to Gaz 24.
Martin _________________ Terve aasta poole aastaga |
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onre Seltsimees

Liitunud: Jul 05, 2013 Teateid: 10 Asukoht: Akaa, Soome
Postitatud: T aug 20, 2013 7:58 pm Postita teema: |
Thank you, I bought the set and it all looks right now. I'll install it in a couple of weeks and we will see if it fits or not. |
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