Postitatud: P mär 19, 2023 6:51 pm Postita teema: Gaz 24-10
TERE.Kas kellelgi oleks müüa või teab kust otsida vasakut esitiiba 24-10 le.Olen huvitatud ka laepolstrist ning istmekatetest või korralikest istmetest.
Postitatud: E mär 20, 2023 4:06 pm Postita teema:
Peaks töötama küll. Vahepeal andsid nad eraldi teada, et nende töötajatest on mitmed sõjas aga e-pood toimib ja saadab tellimusi välja.
Edit: laekanga ostsin u kaks aastat tagasi aga väiksemaid pudinaid olen hiljem ka ostnud.
Liitunud: Jul 05, 2006 Teateid: 27 Asukoht: Tallinn
Postitatud: E mär 20, 2023 4:18 pm Postita teema:
Mulle saatis oktoobris sellise teavituse:
Dear Friends!
Despite the war our company continues to work and we can’t thank you enough for being supportive, patient and helping us fight Russian aggressors!
The office works thanks to each of you, thanks to every order that you place and do not expect instant delivery. When you receive the goods, you are pleasantly glad that the parts were delivered intact and even faster than you expected.
With each of your orders, it is you who bring Ukraine closer to Victory over the russian barbarians.
Avtoclassika still receives a lot of words of support in letters from different parts of the world, and especially from Estonia, Poland, America, Great Britain, Lithuania, Sweden, Norway, Germany and even Japan!
Thanks for the feedback and words of support.
It is very important for us.
At this difficult time once and again we are asking for your help! Two members of our office joined the Ukrainian army and we were able ( with your help of course) to provide them with all necessary military ammunition like bulletproof vests, helmets, first aid kits etc…
We were also able to convert and give him our car, which still serves the people of Ukraine!
At this moment, We are asking you to assist us with buying a car and diesel generator for our employee, manager Dmytro and for his platoon. It was he who answered your calls, processed and collected your orders, he answered your letters in Polish and organized the logistics.
We would never dare to contact you, but we are a small company and we alone cannot cope with such a volume of help!
If you have the opportunity, we will gratefully accept any help on PayPal account
We appreciate every donation small or big and will keep you posted on our progress!
God bless us all!
Glory to Ukraine and glory to the heroes!
Sa ei saa teha algatada uusi teemasid selles foorumis Sa ei saa vastata teemdaele selles foorumis Sa ei saa muuta oma teateid selles foorumis Sa ei saa kustutada oma teateid selles foorumis Sa ei saa hääletada küsitlustes selles foorumis ei vastuta foorumis tehtud postituste eest. jätab endale õiguse kustutada ja redigeerida
kommentaare, mis ei vasta sisult headele tavadele.