Liitunud: Jul 05, 2013 Teateid: 10 Asukoht: Akaa, Soome
Postitatud: R mai 28, 2021 9:18 am Postita teema: K-126G variant, how to adjust?
Hello again Volga-driving friends,
Putting Volga back together to drive this summer. I have a service manual in Finnish, written in early 1970s. The carburettor on that manual is slightly different to what I have.
This picture has a similar carburettor to mine. Looking at the base of the carburettor, there are two screws. One on left is the mixture screw, but what is one on the right? In my manual there is only one screw, adjusting the idle mixture.
Liitunud: Nov 06, 2004 Teateid: 1211 Asukoht: Tallinn, Nõmme
Postitatud: E juuli 19, 2021 11:07 pm Postita teema:
"The rule of thumb on carbs":
1. test compression on cilinders, if low and/or uneven, no setting can help, refurbishing needed.
2. check valve clearences and adjust (1. and 8,. 0,35, 2 to 7-th 0,4mm).
3. check distributor contacts - needs to be even and 0,4mm max clearance.
4. check sparkplugs and gaps - 0,85mm
5. chck distributor cap -no craks and leads must be clear.
6. Clean the carb and test all nozzels for no blockage.
7. if carburettor halfs are not closing flat (heat distortion) then press them together on a hydraulic press, heating slowly and evenly with propane under pressure (gascets removed).
Assemble the carb
8. close the both screws to full extent and then unscrew for 1,5 turns both.
9. listen to the engine and if there are sudden pops in the exhaust. then try closing the screw whitsh is more to the front of the car.
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